2014年03月17日 星期一

2014 LIFE Newsletter

Leading International Fungal Education_Feb 2014


Welcome to LIFE's (Leading International Fungal Education) February newsletter.

Please follow this link.

We feature the following:

LIFE-worldwide site is now available in Spanish

Open source lab diagnostic software spreads its wings in Africa

The economic burden of lung disease in Europe now exceeds €370 billion

Resistance in Candida glabratareaches epic proportions

Key parameters for survival of cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS

Over 50 countries are already engaged in LIFE's work along with major international agencies such as WHO and MSF.

Many other significant events relating to global health and fungal infections will be regularly posted on the LIFE websitehere.


Please forward this email to any colleagues who may be interested and especially to any Spanish speakers. LIFE website.

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